2024年11月,杨博帆,发表论文,TD3-based trajectory optimization for energy consumption minimization in UAV-assisted MEC system,CCF B, 中科院二区
2024年9月,惠丽洁,发表论文,CKKS and Local Differential Privacy based Model Parameters Encryption for Personalized Federated Learning,The 6th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering
2024年8月,梁琪玮,发表论文,TPE-BFL:Training Parameter Encryption scheme for Blockchain based Federated Learning System,Computer Networks,CCF B, 中科院二区
2024年7月,惠丽洁,Dynamic Grouping Scheme for Personalized Federated Meta-Learning,投稿中
2024年4月,史林,发表论文,BMSE: Blockchain-based multi-keyword searchable encryption for electronic medical records,Computer Standards & Interfaces,中科院2区